Sunday, August 2, 2009

Here we go again!

Good news! July 27th, 2009 I received a referral for a healthy boy from Russia and officially accepted him on July 28th. He is absolutely gorgeous, blond hair and blue eyes. He seems very patient. He is 17months old and developmentally seems to be right on track. He is probably a little small for his age, but not much and that is pretty normal for children in the orphanages in Russia. I am so excited, he is just everything I have ever imagined, and even looks like the child in my dreams. I am unsure yet of when I will travel on trip 1 to meet my son, but probably the end of August sometime. This has been such a roller coaster of a journey, but I know that everything happens for a reason. I appreciate the support and hope to have more good news soon. Thanks to everyone for their continued support.


julian said...

I have your blog on my blog if thats okay...I look everyday to see if you have had good news!! What a great way to start today, and see that you have some!!!! YEAHHHH for you. If you do things quickly, you may be back by in November-ish which for me was a great time to be in Russia!!
Congrats again, and keep us posted!
Oh and my tag is connected to my charity website, this is actually Julianne from

K said...

What wonderful news Ginger!!! I'm so excited for you and will be thinking of you in the coming months. Keep us posted as things progress!!!!

you cuz, Kathy

Anonymous said...

This is great news Ginger! I just got back from a long weekend vacation and this was great to see. It is so encouraging to see you moving forward.

Darn, I forget my password so have to post as anonymous again.


Iraida and Valeria Sofia said...

I'm sooooo happy for you. Praying you get travel dates soon.


My Journey

Back in December I decided that I wanted to adopt. I have known since I was very young that it was something I wanted to do, and that feeling has never changed. I then decided I would like to adopt internationally and after much research decided that Russia was the country for me. So in January I sent in my application and began the long process of collecting various documents, pictures, and had my home assessed to see if it would be a good environment for a child. This is all complete and my dossier was submitted to Russia the first week of June and I am now awaiting a referal of an infant or toddler boy. This wait now can take 2-6 months. I would love to share this journey with my family and friends, and will definately need your support between trips when I am missing my little boy and our new family member. My neices and nephews are so excited to have a cousin on the Protzman side. I know my little boy will be so loved and I feel so blessed to be able to give my child a home and family he may not of had otherwise.

So feel free to leave any posts with questions and comments and I look forward to reading and answering them. I will try and keep things updated regularly, and slowly add things to this blog as I learn how to do so.

Welcome to my blog.
