Monday, June 22, 2009

Still waiting...

Well it has been a year since my dossier was sent to Russia, one failed trip, and some referrals I could not except later I am still waiting. I know this is what I want. So Wednesday, June 24ht I am heading back to Kansas City to get finger printed again. Okay, do they think they have changed? So not much else to discusse, I continue to work on his room a little at a time, but afraid of getting it completely done and him still not being here. Not sure I could bare that. I do appreciate everyones support.


julian said...

Oh Ginger,
You don't know me, but I have thought so much about you and your process...I am just tickled, Blue, to see that you are moving on with this crazy ride! It will be so worth it...and I betcha that you will look back and think, Oh it wasn't so tough!!

Anonymous said...

I commented before. I'm in middle of stavropol adoption. It too is stretching on and I don't see it completing by my 1 year mark either. I think of you often. Like you I hesitate to finish my guys room. So frustrating, my MD letters are expiring again and my current sons MD is so condesending I dread asking for another letter. I love that you are just patiently but steadily moving forward.

Ginger said...

Who ever ANONYMOUS is I should like to get in contact with you.

ywilbur said...

Hi Ginger,

I'm I was just being lazy and not creating an account.

My Journey

Back in December I decided that I wanted to adopt. I have known since I was very young that it was something I wanted to do, and that feeling has never changed. I then decided I would like to adopt internationally and after much research decided that Russia was the country for me. So in January I sent in my application and began the long process of collecting various documents, pictures, and had my home assessed to see if it would be a good environment for a child. This is all complete and my dossier was submitted to Russia the first week of June and I am now awaiting a referal of an infant or toddler boy. This wait now can take 2-6 months. I would love to share this journey with my family and friends, and will definately need your support between trips when I am missing my little boy and our new family member. My neices and nephews are so excited to have a cousin on the Protzman side. I know my little boy will be so loved and I feel so blessed to be able to give my child a home and family he may not of had otherwise.

So feel free to leave any posts with questions and comments and I look forward to reading and answering them. I will try and keep things updated regularly, and slowly add things to this blog as I learn how to do so.

Welcome to my blog.
